People naturally tend to panic when faced with the possibility of a criminal prosecution. Many otherwise sensible people cause themselves trouble by deciding that the best way to show that they are innocent of a crime is to agree to talk to the police at great length and without the aid of an attorney. While this may be the story that law enforcement would put forward, the reality is that it is always best to seek the advice of a Criminal Lawyer Warrenton if there is any possibility that you might be accused of a crime.
Seeking the help of a Criminal Lawyer Warrenton is simply smart rather than an admission of guilt. People who do not deal with the justice system very much tend to assume that it will naturally work as it should. An innocent person will not end up being charged or put on trial so long as he or she is willing to provide complete and honest answers to all of the questions that are raised. Reality is much more complicated, however. While law enforcement official do try to find the person behind a crime, they have limited resources to use and are just as subject to prejudices and making snap judgments as anyone else.
Having a Criminal Lawyer Warrenton at your side during questioning is the best way to make sure that you will not do or say anything that might incriminate you. As terrible as it is, there are documented cases in which people confessed to a crime after being interrogated by police officers at great length. In some cases, it later became obvious that it was absolutely impossible that the person in question could have had any involvement. For example, he may have been seen by a large number of people in a very distant location at the time. Extensive interrogation by authority figures, particularly when paired with a lack of knowledge about the rules protecting suspects, can make almost anyone crack and admit to wrongdoing.
At the first sign that you might be a suspect in a crime, you should seek the aid of a Criminal Lawyer Warrenton. If you can not afford one yourself, the government is obligated to provide one to you on request for situations like questioning and court appearances. Do not allow yourself to be taken advantage of by being tricked into forsaking this right.