Automated Packaging and Food Processing

by | Jun 16, 2016 | Packaging

The food processing industry uses automated packaging machines to increase output and efficiency. In addition, packaging protects food from external damage and cross-contamination during shipping and display. Today, it is required as part of the food industry to store goods and keep them fresh for the longest period of time.

Most fresh foods require flexible packaging that can be applied quickly and opens easily. Meat and poultry products use a modified form of plastic packaging with a foil-lined bottom. This design prevents leaking and keeps the meat fresh for a longer period of time. Most cheeses and some dried fruit require complete coverage; wrapping cellophane around the product or vacuum-packaging it will preserve it based on size.

When processing large quantities of food with different packaging, automated packaging machines can change out different kinds of materials. Most machines can be programmed to use specific materials for certain foods. This programming can be changed easily to meet safety standards and preserve food based on its storage requirements.

On average, automated packaging machines can pack between 40 and 120 containers of food per minute. This level of efficiency saves time in the process which can be used in other stages. Output can be adjusted to meet specific goals and increase overall productivity.

Machine Maintenance
Packaging machines require little maintenance once installed in a plant. Built in stainless steel to last for long periods, they require regular cleanings, and repair frequency is low. If a machine does require a repair, some retailers will send out repairmen within 24 hours of being notified about the breakdown. Repair time varies based on the severity and location of the breakage, as well as necessary parts and procedures needed to fix it.

Adding a packaging machine to food processing assembly lines saves time and maximizes both output and efficiency. Automation in the process is a necessity for food processing and keeping large quantities of food at a high quality. Without these machines, the modern food industry would not be so bountiful and advanced; the products we take for granted would not be possible without them.

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