The Benefits of Root Canals

by | Sep 12, 2017 | Dental Health

For whatever reason, Root Canals have gotten a bad reputation. Prospective patients often assume, erroneously, that this treatment will be painful and scary. The reality is quite different from people’s expectations, though.

Sometimes irrational fears stem from a lack of relevant knowledge and experience. Patients who don’t know what they can reasonably expect tend to expect the worst. Anyone considering root canal treatment may want to learn about a few of the many benefits conferred by this simple treatment.

Relieving Toothaches

Anyone considering a root canal is likely already experiencing a substantial amount of pain. The treatment is designed to alleviate toothaches, not make them worse. A dentist performing a root canal is removing the infected pulp of the tooth, which is the source of the patient’s pain.

Along with toothaches, infections often come with fevers, tenderness, swelling, foul smells, and mild to severe headaches. All of these secondary symptoms can also be relieved via a simple root canal.

Save Diseased Teeth

When left untreated, pulp infections can quickly cause excessive damage to affected teeth. If this happens, the teeth need to be extracted. A root canal is a much simpler, less expensive, and less troublesome procedure than a complete replacement of a missing tooth, which should be reason enough to consider getting treatment now before the problem gets any worse.

Improve Appearance

Infections and decay can cause aesthetic issues as well as pain. Decayed teeth often appear darker than the healthy teeth surrounding them, which can leave patients feeling self-conscious about their smiles. When a root canal is performed, the decayed part of the tooth is removed and replaced with a more aesthetically appealing crown designed to mimic the shape and color of the patient’s other healthy teeth.

Enhance Overall Health

Tooth infections can impact more than just a patient’s oral health. They are linked to a number of other serious problems and can increase patient’s chances of suffering strokes and heart attacks. Root Canals remove any infected material before it can begin to spread and cause other more serious problems.

Get Help Now

When one or more of a patient’s teeth are infected, it’s in their best interest to take action immediately. Visit us to learn about one local office that can help, then get in contact as soon as possible to schedule a visit.

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