Best Way To Clean Mattresses

by | Apr 12, 2013 | mattress stores

Everything in life is going to require some form of cleaning. Unfortunately there are many things that require cleaning that never receive the cleaning. This is very true of items such as mattresses. The main reason that a mattress must be cleaned is because of the skin, sweet, and hair that can accumulate on the surface. The following guide is going to explain the needs associated with cleaning mattresses and why they need this treatment. In addition you will learn how major hotel chains clean their beds and why they handle this matter with extreme care. If you are the owner of a bed, and you probably are, then you need to remember that your mattresses could be harboring some harmful elements. Not only will a clean mattress last longer but they will also help you to sleep better and to avoid becoming sick more often.

Why do mattresses need to be cleaned? First, your mattress is the home of millions of microscopic organisms. These organisms thrive on the waist that is left in your bed. From the crumbs that fall from a sandwich to the dead skin cells that collect under your sheets, these bacteria are thriving on your excess. Not only are these organisms unhealthy, they can also lead to illness in your home. so what is the best way to properly clean your mattresses? First, you should always change your sheets every two weeks. This will help to cut down on the amount of waist that your sheets hold. While the sheets are removed you should then consider spraying your exposed bed with a solution of bleach and water. A 50/50 mixture is best. Allow this mist to dry on the mattresses before replacing the sheets.

Another great option for cleaning your mattresses is actually a preventative step. You should consider purchasing a mattress cover. Many of these covers can be very comfortable. Some will offer a pillow top that can add a tremendous amount of comfort. Other covers will offer a new material that not only help you stay cool in the bed but it will keep moisture, such as sweat, from soaking into your mattresses. This is an ideal item to use to help keep your bed cleaner. These items are typically 40-100 dollars in cost but it is an expense that will pay for itself.

Finally, consider using a steam cleaner on your mattresses every year. This will render your bed useless for around 24 hours but it will help remove any and all debris form the bed. This is a great way to reduce odor and to remove dust mites. Consider these suggestions to help make your mattresses last longer. You will be glad that you heeded this warning.

If you are looking for the best mattresses in Hickory NC, has a great selection and affordable prices.

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