Billboard design: the most important tips

by | Jun 2, 2017 | Digital Printing, printing

As a business manager, sometimes one of the most pressing demands of the business world is always how to gain a competitive advantage, especially considering how competitive some industries can get. One of the ways a business can get ahead is through clever advertisement campaigns. Billboards are a huge part of that, but there is a thin line between a huge sign that does not mean much and a perfectly placed billboard. Get the following right, and you will reap the maximum benefit from your billboards.

Size and scale

In most cases, when thinking about outdoor advertisement, the sign will be among the largest things you will ever design, if this is your first time. Thinking about the size and scale can present an interesting challenge. Do not be overwhelmed though; think about it like any other project. Consider the fact that signs have to be read and understood by people from a considerable distance, often with just a few hours to spare.


Just as important is the understanding of the importance of location. You might not necessarily have answers when it comes to choosing an exact placement spot. Still think about the location subject in terms of primary placement. Make the general decisions first; like will the billboard be featured in the sky or will it simply be a sign on the ground in the yard. Will it be placed on a moving vehicle, or will it be indoors?

Location also helps determine several other factors, like local rules that govern the types of messages, images and words that can be displayed at a particular area. Check the codes and area regulations in advance to avoid disappointments. Designing by location can be difficult if the single design is to be used across multiple locations, though.

Colors and graphics

Color is one of the most important design decisions one can ever make with a billboard. Quality Billboard printing companies will tell you that color choice should be approached with the following in mind;

  • Branding and identity
  • Visibility and contrast

These two might get in the way of each other, though, so you must be very careful.

Billboard printing should never be a hassle. Contact us today and let us help you through the biggest decisions. Visit our website for more information.

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