Braces utilize brackets, wires and rubber bands to straighten and realign teeth; if they are not properly cared for while they are fitted they can quickly attract plaque which can stain your teeth and lead to decay. Orthodontists are usually quite strict and insist that their patients pay particular attention to brushing after every meal and snack.
Tips for brushing and flossing with braces
If you have braces in West Loop, flossing is a little different procedure. The floss is to be fed through the space between the wire and the gum line. As usual, the floss is to be pulled back and forth but pay close attention to the tension on the floss, anything to aggressive can apply too much force on the wire.
Brushing should be done in two stages; the first stage is to use a regular, soft bristle brush using an up and down motion. Once this has been done the next step is use a special brush which is specifically designed to get between a pair of braces.
Foods to avoid:
While you are wearing braces in West Loop there are foods that you should stay away from. Foods such as apples, corn on the cob, raw carrots, popcorn and sticky food such as caramels must be avoided otherwise you risk loosening the braces.
Caring for your retainer:
Once your braces have done the job as intended you will wear a retainer to keep the teeth in position while the jawbone adapts. The retainer is something that is normally only worn at night. The retainer also must be maintained daily but rather than use toothpaste soak it in a commercially available denture cleaner.
Rarely would a problem with your braces require emergency care, however, if the bands become loose or a bracket should dislodge arrange to see your orthodontist as soon as possible and have the problem rectified.
Braces are used to realign and straighten teeth, but they do require particular care. To discuss braces in Wets Loop in their entirety you are welcome to make an appointment with Pure Dental Spa.