
Mistakes to Avoid When Choosing Lighting

Have you recently moved into a new home? Are you remodeling your own home for your family or because you are planning on selling it? Lighting can become a major focal point in any room, so it is important to be sure that you are choosing lighting wisely. You don’t...

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Cordless Work Lights to the Rescue

Jim ran a local garage and had many loyal customers. He was well-known for honest and dependable service. In fact, one time (not too long ago) his city suffered a major power outage during and after a storm. Many residents had no power for days and there were several...

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The Lighting Design Winston-Salem Homes Need

There is an impressive collection of specialists in lighting design Winston-Salemis known for. When families choose to remodel their home, the lighting can be overlooked. This is a shame, since it is possible to make a big difference in the way the project looks. Some...

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