If you are deciding on new doors for your home, you should be aware that iron doors offer the strongest materials you can get your hands on. These doors are popular because of their high security, durability, and long-lasting appeal. However, when you need iron doors now, you still need to think about whether you want a single or double door. If you aren’t sure yet, that’s okay. We have some information that you can use to make that decision easier.
Amount of Space Available
Before you go any further, the first thing to consider is how much space you have for your new door. If you already have a double door, then you are going to want to replace it with something of the same size. However, if you want a single iron door for a double door space, sidelights may need to be installed to fill in the extra space. If you are considering a single door with added sidelights or a double door in a new home, you want to make sure your contractor is where and puts into place measures to ensure your home’s structure isn’t affected.
Door Shape Options
There are three main door shapes which you can choose from. They include a straight top, which is the traditional door top, the eyebrow top which has a slight curve, and the arched top with a half-circle top. There are also options to add an arched window or transom to the straight top if you want a bit of uniqueness. This is again something that your contractor needs to know to ensure the structure of your home is maintained.
Remodeling Thoughts
When you are remodeling and adding a new door, the person doing the work will make a space for your door by cutting a rough outline of the opening. In addition to the door itself, your doorjamb will also need to be installed. This is what offers support for your iron door and gives it the ability to be weather-stripped.
Whether you want to go with a single or double door, the professionals at Iron Doors Now can help you choose the perfect option. We offer doors of all shapes and sizes and information about our doors and proper installation.