Colorado Springs, CO Attorneys Can Petition the Court for Custody Changes

by | Feb 8, 2024 | Law Firm

Sometimes when two parents have joint child custody, one begins considering petitioning for primary custody. Numerous reasons can account for this, one of them being the other parent having developed an unhealthy lifestyle. If that lifestyle poses a potential safety risk to the youngsters, consulting custody attorneys in Colorado Springs, CO is advisable.

Substance Abuse

Substance abuse is a common reason for parents to lose joint child custody. The person may have begun drinking alcohol or smoking marijuana excessively. Regular use of opioids could be taking place. These substances can impair the parent’s judgment and dependability. These individuals may be unable to respond effectively when a child needs help. They also may provide inadequate supervision of the youngsters.


The other parent may have been evicted from an apartment and is now staying with friends or a romantic partner. The living environment could be characterized by excessive substance use, partying and too much socializing.

The children may have expressed negative feelings about this situation. Perhaps the parent is ignoring their basic needs like regular meals and good hygiene. The home could be messy and dirty. Custody attorneys in Colorado Springs, CO are available to assist a person who wants to petition for a change.


The person who wants to petition the court may have discovered that the other parent sometimes leaves little children home alone for an hour or more. That individual might go to a store or even a bar. Another problem situation involves leaving young kids in a vehicle while stopping at a bar for a drink or two.

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