Why Consider Veneers, Find a Cosmetic Dentist in Chicago Loop

by | Aug 2, 2018 | Dental

Have you always wanted whiter, straighter, more perfect teeth and they just don’t cooperate? Most residents in Chicago Loop find that their smiles aren’t exactly the way they want them to be. While many people just deal with it as best they can, others look for ways to make improvements. Cosmetic dentistry is easily accessible and doesn’t cost as much as you might think, which makes it the perfect solution. However, there are endless options available, such as veneers.

What They Are

A veneer is a thin shell that goes over the tooth. It is designed to match the tooth curvature so that it goes over the tooth effortlessly. It is also bonded into place so that it cannot be removed or fall off. Many times, they are used for a variety of issues, such as small gaps between the teeth, severely discolored teeth, and more.

Change Shape

Regardless of your needs, a veneer can help your tooth look wider or longer. If you’ve got excessively short teeth that barely peek out over the gum, you can elongate them with a veneer on each. If you’ve got wide gaps between the teeth, you can make each tooth appear wider so that the gaps are closed. The goal is to create a prettier smile.

Alternative to Orthodontics

While straight teeth from orthodontics can be highly beneficial, it is also an expensive treatment and can take years to complete. Most adults don’t want to deal with metal or use aligners for years, so they consider a veneer instead. It doesn’t necessarily remove unwanted crowding, but it can give the appearance of straight teeth.

Veneers in Chicago Loop are an excellent treatment option because they can do so much to fix the smile. Visit Pure Dental Spa in Chicago Loop and learn more.

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