CPR And You: The Importance Of Knowing Life Saving Techniques

by | Mar 2, 2016 | Teaching

They say that no one intentionally becomes a hero; rather, it is the situation that a person finds themselves in that turns them into one. The thing is, situations that often require a hero to be present are not at all pleasant, since they often involve a life that is at stake. While you may not possess special martial arts skills, supernatural powers or are a trained medical professional, you do have the capacity to become an “everyday” hero by taking up CPR classes in Stockton CA.

Everday Emergencies

Oddly enough, life-threatening situations do not often involve the scenarios that you see in movies. A vast majority of the time they can be as simple as person potentially drowning in a pool, inhaling too much smoke from a barbeque, or simply being out of breath and collapsing after pushing themselves too far while jogging. These are ordinary situations that can turn deadly, and show how benign circumstances can lead to sudden life or death situations. If you are standing there near a person that is drowning, inhaled too much smoke or collapsed due to exhaustion, what are you going to do? Do you call 911? Of course, a 911 call is necessary, but by the time the ambulance gets to where you are, it may be too late. What are you going to do now? The best solution in any of the above circumstances is to perform emergency CPR; however, it should only be done by someone who knows what they are doing.

Why Proper Methods Are Needed

For many people, their exposure to CPR comes from what they see in movies and TV, but merely attempting to emulate what you saw will lead to three potential outcomes:
– You could fail, since you were not taught the proper techniques
– You could potentially injure the person you are trying to save, since you don’t possess the proper procedural knowledge for going through with CPR
– You could succeed in successfully administering CPR, though the chance is very low

Yes, the outlined outcomes may seem to be very self-defeating, but you need to understand that proper training is absolutely essential to actually being able to perform CPR. Without training, you are more likely to injure rather than save a person. There are limits to what you can imitate from TV and movies, and the techniques they show are actually greatly flawed when applied in real life.

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