Decay is Just One Reason to Visit a Dental Clinic in Eagan MN

by | Aug 3, 2017 | Dental Health

If a person’s dental pain is too excruciating, it is because the tooth decay is approaching or touching the dental nerve (which explains the pain felt). This is when a dental abscess forms. But what happens before this step?

Can people help themselves by performing routine oral health and seeing a Dental Clinic in Eagan MN twice a year? Read the text below for more details about tooth pain.

You have a decayed tooth that is bleeding, what can be done?

99% percent of the time, a decayed tooth never bleeds. Rather, it is the gums that are bleeding. Therefore, the same precautions should be taken with gingivitis as it would with dental pain.

Why do some people have several decayed teeth?

The three factors below, if combined, can cause tooth decay.

* The natural fragility of the tooth: There are teeth that are naturally resistant to decay and others that are susceptible to decay very easily. Your parents and grandparents give each person their dental genetics.

* Feeding: Sugar and acid are the enemies of tooth enamel. There is a lot of sugar in processed foods. In fact, there is sugar everywhere, in ketchup, in relish, in peanut butter, and even in chips.

* Bacteria and dental hygiene: Bacteria are everywhere. In each mouth, there are millions of bacteria. These bacteria eat sugar and leave behind acid. It is, therefore, necessary to prevent them from sticking to the teeth by brushing and flossing.

Bacteria should never be ignored

Bacteria, when alone or disorganized, are not very dangerous. But after a while, they stick together and form dental plaque. This is their way of organizing the acid that will dissolve the enamel.

Therefore, each Dental Clinic in Eagan MN promotes brushing, as well as flossing at least once a day, both of which undoubtedly helps prevent tooth decay. So, if you have a lot of dental caries, it is probably due to:

* Genetically-fragile teeth

* You consume a lot of sugar

* Or your dental hygiene is inadequate

Note that most people who have dental decay have all three elements and should be seen by the Dakota Dental & Implant Center. Obviously, people have no control over the first factor, but for the rest, it’s up to each person to see what they can improve to decrease their risk of cavities. V Browse the website for more details.

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