Deep House Cleaning Tasks in Akron, OH Before Listing a Home for Sale

by | Oct 5, 2023 | Cleaning Service

When property owners decide to sell their house, doing a deep cleaning or hiring a professional service to complete the project is essential. Many areas of a home tend to be neglected to a certain extent because they are out of sight, or, in contrast, seen so frequently that dirt is no longer noticed. A sparkling clean home is more likely to command a higher price and sell faster. Workers providing services for deep house cleaning in Akron OH are ready to do an impressive job.

At the Floor

Dust and dirt tend to accumulate on baseboards and in corners at the floor level. Many homeowners dust baseboards routinely or occasionally but may still never notice the debris buildup in corners.

Heating and Cooling Vents

Grilles and registers connected with the furnace and central air conditioning may need thorough cleaning. Return air vents are the most problematic because suction pulls in dust, dirt and hair. Workers providing deep house cleaning in Akron OH remove these devices to wash them and also vacuum the top part of the open space.

Window Frames and Doors

Window frames and sill may have accumulated grime if they weren’t dusted and wiped off at least occasionally. The same is true for the tops of interior doors, which may not have been cleaned in years. If the home has window blinds, the workers will wipe down each slat to remove dust.

Attention to Detail

With attention to these details, professional cleaners help customers sell their homes faster and at a higher price. Learn about Petal Sweet Cleaning Service today.

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