There are dental assistant courses in St. Augustine, FL area that have helped people just like you not only find lucrative careers, but also find something that they are passionate about doing. The money is great, the work impacts so many lives positively, and the field is highly respected. There is nothing bad to say about being a dental assistant!
Finding Your Passion
Being a dental assistant is not right for everyone, but it may be the right choice for you! A dental assistant course in St. Augustine can get you on your way to a career you are passionate about. This course is ideal for people who:
*Want to make between $30,000 -$35,000 right out of school
*love to help people
*Wants to provide excellent patient care
*Are interested in dentistry
You can be responsible for a patient having a great first impression of your office when you work as a dental assistant. People who are interested in helping people will enjoy this career path. You will be right there with the dentist, providing hands-on care to your patients. It is a great career for anyone that wants to assist people in improving their health through good oral care.
The Salary and Job Benefits
The draw to become a dental assistant does not end with your desire to help. This can be a very lucrative field for the dedicated student. There is always a need for highly skilled dental assistants in dental practices, so you will likely never be without a job opportunity. Many dental practices pay very well and offer benefit packages as well. A dental assistant course in St. Augustine can be your stepping stone into a future with a career that you love—and earn a nice living doing! Bartram Dental Assisting School is a great place to get the education that you need!