Do You Live Anywhere In Chicagoland And Need The Services Of A Good Podiatric Physician?

by | Feb 25, 2016 | Health Care

Do you even know what podiatric physicians do? In layman’s terms, they are also known as “foot doctors” – a term that is more than self explanatory. Generally, we all have feet and it does not really matter where you live, it is quite commonplace for people to develop problems with their feet. Since a lot of people live in Chicagoland, we may as well take that place as an example.

When Might You Need A Podiatrist In Chicago?

If all you need is a pedicure, foot scrub, or, reflexology (foot massage) then you do not need to seek out the services of a highly qualified foot specialist. However, our feet are a complex part of our anatomy with each foot comprising 33 joints (most of them moveable) and 26 bones. In addition, there are a hundred plus muscles, tendons, and ligaments which enable our feet to act in a mechanical manner in accordance with instructions sent from our brains (via our nervous system). The major joints are the ankle, subtalar joint and the interphalangeal articulations of the foot. If you think that this sounds complicated, you would be right. Anything this complicated could easily fall prey to damage and a breakdown in the system.

Incidentally, podiatric medicine extends from our feet, through the ankle and up our lower extremities. Being part of our body makes foot problems painful at best and crippling at worst. Hence the need for foot doctors to put things right.

Fairly Common Problems

Some problems are the result of incorrect choices in footwear, others could be inherited or we are born with them. Bunions and hammer toes can be hereditary but are often aggravated by poor footwear choices. Even ingrowing toenails can be inherited although a more common cause would be bad nail trimming and/or incorrect footwear.

Then there are the likes of arthritis, infection and abnormal tissue growth. In addition, our feet are often exposed to trauma. This could be self inflicted as in sporting injuries like torn ligaments, ankle sprains etc, or, accidental impacts breaking bones or causing other structural damage. Add things like heel spurs, shin splints, or stress cracks in bones to this list and one might wonder how anyone can get through life without needing a podiatrist at some time or another.

Dr. Milton Kondiles is a licensed Podiatrist In Chicago & board certified foot surgeon. If you need his help, he can be found at Kondiles Chicagoland Footcare Chicago.

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