Employment Attorneys Can Help Protect for Your Rights in the Workplace

by | Nov 12, 2019 | Family Law

As an employee, you have rights in the workplace that need to be protected. You have the right to work in a safe place that is free of harassment, discrimination, intimidation and retaliation by your employer. In some instances, you may need a lawyer to help protect your rights as an employee. You should consider contacting an attorney if you have been the victim of any violation of workplace laws. Continue reading to learn more about employment attorneys.

Labor Law Claims
Knowing what qualifies as a labor law violation can help you decide when to contact an employment attorney. Discrimination occurs when employers make any employment decisions including hiring, firing, disciplinary and advancement decisions based on your race, gender, age, religion, sexual orientation or any related factors. Harassment can include unwelcome sexual advances, inappropriate language and any other type of sexual harassment. Wrongful termination is when your employer terminates your position out of discrimination or retaliation.

Your employer is legally required to pay you a fair wage in a timely manner. Also, if you are injured on the job, your employer is required to provide reasonable accommodations for you to continue doing your job.

Worker’s Compensation
If you have suffered a loss because of a workplace injury, you have a claim for worker’s compensation. However, in order to receive compensation, you must meet three criteria. You have to be able to show that you were injured while performing your job duties at work. You also need to show that your work directly caused or contributed to your injuries. Lastly, you have to show that the injury resulted in some sort of loss, whether it is lost wages or a permanent loss of function. A lawyer can help you determine if you meet these criteria and help you build your case.

Contact for More Information
Lawyers at Gillick, Wicht, Gillick and Graf are experienced employment attorneys. For more information on how they can help you with your claim, visit us today.

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