Experience Better Health and Wellness With IV Hydration in Thornton, CO

by | Jun 7, 2024 | Home Health Care Service

Water makes up a considerable amount of the human body. That’s the conclusion reached in multiple studies, one of which comes from the United States Geological Survey (USGS), a science bureau within the United States Department of the Interior. It notes that water makes up 55% to 60% of the adult body. The body uses that water to regulate its internal temperature through sweat and respiration, remove waste via urination, deliver nutrients to cells, and lubricate joints. Dehydration can interrupt these processes and many others.

The Consequences of Dehydration

When the body loses more fluids than it takes in, it can lead to dehydration. Studies from the Mayo Clinic, the MD Anderson Cancer Center, and the UK’s National Health Service (NHS) show dehydration can cause several health problems. Some of the more notable of these include the following:

  • Constipation

  • Heat cramps, heat exhaustion, and heatstroke

  • Impaired cognitive function

  • Muscle damage

  • Urinary and kidney problems

The Benefits of IV Hydration

Drinking water or sports drinks that contain electrolytes is usually all it takes to rehydrate the body when dehydration sets in. But sometimes, more is required. IV hydration therapy is an excellent way to rehydrate the body quickly and minimize the risk of developing dehydration-related health problems, according to clinics offering IV hydration in Thornton, CO.

The fluid in IV bags used for hydration therapy contains electrolytes that can quickly hydrate the body, such as magnesium, calcium, potassium, and sodium chloride. Some also contain magnesium and B-complex, B12, and C vitamins, all of which can strengthen the immune system and boost low energy levels. This revolutionary approach to rehydration can be especially beneficial to individuals struggling with the following:

  • Hangovers

  • Dehydration caused by the flu or overexertion

  • Food poisoning

  • Jet lag

Get on the Fast Track to Rehydration Today

Dehydration can trigger more than just thirst alone. It can open the door to multiple health problems if not quickly remedied. To learn more about the benefits of IV hydration, contact Awaken IV Therapy.

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