A shifting foundation can destroy your home or place of business. Some early indications you might have this problem are little things like sticking doors or windows. After a while you may notice cracks in the walls or even door frames showing signs of separation. Before you spend your hard earned money on quick surface repairs it is highly recommended that you obtain the services of a foundation repair company. Understanding the causes and possible solutions of your shifting foundation is the best first step you can make on your Slab Repair Baytown.
Steel or concrete pilings are one typical option offered by Slab Repair Baytown. These are pushed in the ground beneath the foundation and are often quicker than other repair methods. For the budget minded, concrete pilings are usually cheaper than the steel variety. An alternate solution is concrete piers. These are concrete columns which are poured into holes that have been drilled into the ground. Concrete piers are durable and can support any weight. The disadvantage to using concrete piers is mainly in the application. The contractor often has to drill holes through the slab foundation which can destroy expensive wood or tile.
Another possible technique might be mud jacking or mud pumping. This method pumps concrete, often called mud by those in the industry, under a slab to elevate it. The concrete can be made of a slightly different mix than normal and this mix may depend on the contractor. A variety of this leveling method uses plastic resins which mix under the foundation and fill with air bubbles to help produce the proper lift. The primary drawback to this system is it often comes without a warranty.
No matter which method you and House leveling Baytown decide on you should be certain of all the aspects. Ask the contractor about the benefits as well as the drawbacks to each technique and if it the best option for your property. You should also be aware of any additional soils or structural test these procedures may require. For example, concrete piers often requires a soil test to ensure the stability of the piers. Foundation Savers are specialists and will help you with your slab repair in Baytown. Visit websit to know more.