If you are looking for the best structured settlement companies, then you already know they will pay cash for your settlement. The best companies will be transparent in their costs and fees associated with paying you a lump sum of cash. For example, We Pay More Funding has much lower costs than the competition. In general, companies will take a percentage of your funds needed.
The Costs
There are many factors that determine the costs associated with getting cash for your structured settlement. The best structured settlement companies will tell you the costs associated typically depend on these three factors:
- The total amount of funds you are requesting
- When the future payments will be paid
- The insurance company’s ratings and reliability
It is also important to note that your future payments are tax-free. You will not have to pay taxes on your payments to the structured settlement company. This helps reduce costs.
File with the Court
In most states, you will have to speak with the judge to sell your structured settlement. The best structured settlement companies will assist you in filling out the right forms properly. When you are filing any document with the court, the paperwork must be filled out correctly or it may be rejected. Luckily, professionals at structured settlement companies are highly trained in filling and filing these forms. While this may feel like a burden, courts put this in place to protect you. They do not want to see you taken advantage of in your time of need by a structured settlement company.