Good Reasons to Consider Arranging for Regular Vibration Analysis in San Antonio

by | Aug 7, 2018 | Lasers

Many businesses in the San Antonio area own and rely upon expensive machines of various kinds. In many such cases, these pieces of equipment will be kept running as long and often as possible. Making good use of Vibration Analysis in San Antonio can make breakdowns and other problems less likely, preserving the value of frequently large investments. At the same time, this highly effective type of diagnosis and preventative maintenance can be one of the least disruptive of all.

Vibrations Reveal More Information Than Many Would Suppose

Many types of industrial machines and equipment include shafts that rotate at thousands of revolutions per minute. Others include reciprocating elements whose rates of operation can easily be just as high.

In just about every such case, the movements happening within or on the surface of a machine will cause measurable, rhythmic vibrations. Experts at vibration analysis in San Antonio can measure and look at these byproducts of motion to highlight and pinpoint many issues that could potentially arise. In particular, the regular use of such a service can make it possible to spot problems like:

* Worn bearings.

* When the bearings within a machine start to wear overly much, their ability to limit friction will suffer. Bearings that have worn down significantly can subject a piece of equipment to the risk of failure at an especially inopportune time. While it will sometimes be practical to disassemble a machine so as to measure and inspect its bearings, vibration analysis can often take the place of such disruptive and costly measures, instead.

* Misaligned shafts.

* One especially common cause of problems in industrial settings is a lack of alignment between shafts that supply power and those they are connected to. Any type of angular or spatial misalignment will prevent shafts from transferring power between one another smoothly, and that can lead to problems. Once again, vibration analysis can be used to detect such deficits without any need to disrupt regular operations.

An Affordable Service That Pays Off

Get more information about the subject and it will be seen that vibration analysis can be used to detect other types of problems, as well. Making regular use of this type of diagnosis can be beneficial in many common situations.

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