To the layman, there is no discerning difference between one handbag and the other. For the fashion inclined though there is literally a designer bag for every occasion. Wholesale Tote handbags in New York are rising in popularity because of the practicality and style that they offer. Even though they’re larger than traditional bags, the tote comes in handy for a large variety of everyday situations.
Going to the Gym
The fitness craze is reaching record levels and that’s definitely a good thing. Out of convenience many women choose to get their exercise right before or directly after work. The tote handbags are generally big enough to hold a change of clothes as well as a pair of sneakers in addition to everyday items like a purse and cell phone.
The sale of wholesale tote handbags New York area has risen as more women use them for shopping. The bags are much sturdier than plastic department store totes and it’s much more convenient to carry multiple items of parcel in one convenient bag.
A Trip to the Beach
The tote handbag can be especially useful on trips out to the beaches of the East Coast. For one, extra towels can be conveniently stored in the handbag as can snacks, a small radio, and other essential items. The larger size of the tote is also convenient for bringing along a long sleeve shirt if the weather turns or a change of clothes for the kids after swimming.
Technology Tagalongs
It seems that the ‘Smarter’ a cell phone gets, the larger it also does. A woman can store her phone in a regular purse but it doesn’t leave much room for a wallet, make-up kit, and other necessities. With a wholesale tote bag from New York she can easily bring along a cell phone, tablet PC, or laptop computer to preoccupy a lunch break or to use while taking public transit home.
The reason the tote bags have become so popular is because they’re aesthetically functional, meaning they do hard work but look stylish and fashionable at the same time.