A hammer mill is used for crushing materials and accumulating all the smaller pieces. It does so by giving repeated blows to the material. The machine is broadly used in grinding mills for food processing, chemical and pharmaceutical purposes.
Interestingly, the device comes with four different hammers depending on the focal shaft. If you are planning to buy hammer mill machinery in India for your business, you need to know about its components. Read on.
What are the major components?
1. The feeding mechanism- Here, the materials are put inside the crushing chamber. The machine either utilises gravity or metered feeding system. In the gravity feeding system, the machine entirely depends on the gravitational force, which pushes the feeding materials into the crushing box. In the latter, a pneumatic turning valve is used to eliminate other variables that can cause irregularities.
2. Control box- Basically, this is the brain of the machine that controls all the actions taking place inside the mill. It comes in various designs and operational parameters, using which the mill’s speed can be controlled. It has a display box to check the device’s performance and operation.
3. Crushing hammers/knives- These components crush the materials and come in different shapes and designs. The hammers are placed on horizontal shafts and can rotate at a speed of 2000 to 6000 rpm. However, the speed can be controlled from the control panel.
4. Pulverizes screens- Once the materials are crushed, these are collected for the next manufacturing stage. The screens, which are available in different types, are used to filter these particles to get the desired size for production.
Now, when you know how hammer mill machinery in India work, buy one from a reputed website and speed up the production process.