How an Attorney Can Help You Qualify For Social Security Benefits

by | Feb 4, 2021 | Law Services

Applying for Social Security disability benefits is a complex process that can be derailed by a simple mistake. As someone who’s unable to work in a full-time position, you will need to begin receiving benefits as quickly as possible. Consulting Social Security disability law firms in Tulsa can help you get through this process more efficiently.

Benefit From Experience
The forms involved in the application process for Social Security benefits can seem overwhelming and it’s easy to omit something important or commit another type of error. Your attorney will help you complete these forms and submit them on time. As the Social Security Administration establishes deadlines throughout the application process, getting your forms correctly submitted on time can save you from receiving a denial.

Negotiate For a Fairer Settlement
Suppose your application for SSDI is approved, but the approval is for an amount far less than you assumed you would receive. Social Security disability law firms in Tulsa are experienced in negotiating fairer settlements, so they may be able to get you a higher amount in the monthly benefits you receive. The attorney’s negotiating skills can work in your favor, ensuring you’ll receive enough each month to meet your financial obligations.

Dispute a Denial
Your attorney will be especially helpful if your claim is denied. In this situation, you will need to file an appeal in which you ask the Social Security Administration to reverse their decision. Often, the SSA denies a claim to see if the applicant will pursue it, and in many cases, they don’t dispute the finding. Your lawyer can help you obtain a reversal and ensure you’ll receive a balloon payment to cover the period in which you should have been receiving benefits. There may be more ways a lawyer can help you if you take the time to consult with an SSDI law firm. When you need to pursue Social Security benefits, consult Barnard Law Firm by visiting them online today.

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