How Do Magnetic Flow Meters Work?

by | Jun 14, 2019 | Industrial Supplier

Maintaining the right flow rate is essential for a wide range of industrial applications today. It is important to monitor flow, and magnetic Abb flow meters are a good choice for the job. Here is a brief look into the world of magnetic flow meters to give you a better understanding of their principles, and help you choose the best instruments for your business.

The Importance of Faraday’s Law

Thanks to Michael Faraday, many things in the modern world are possible. In fact, his law forms the basic principles of electromagnetism today. In 1830, Faraday discovered when you induce an electric current through wires; it produces a magnetic field. Without this one principle of induction, it would not be possible to have solenoids, transformers, electric motors, Abb flow meters, and many conveniences you enjoy today.

So many things in the modern world depend on electromagnetic induction. You could not have power to your home or business. You would not have cars, trucks, air conditioning, and many luxuries we take for granted.

Flow Meters and Electromagnetism

If you take a section of pipe and place electrodes apart from each other, water passing through the pipe (because it is a conductor) creates an electric current which can be measured. The voltage is in proportion to the flow of the liquid. In other words, a faster flow rate delivers more voltage. Lower flow gives you lower voltages. Although this is an oversimplification of the process, it gives you a good idea of what goes on inside magnetic Abb flow meters.


When you install electromagnetic flowmeters, you have little maintenance costs because they have no moving parts to wear out. You can buy them for upstream or downstream usage. They can be used in a wide range of temperatures. Talk to your instrument experts today about the many benefits of magnetic flowmeters.

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