How Does Lasik Surgery Work Ask The Best Lasik Doctor Jacksonville

by | Feb 28, 2022 | Optometrists

Lasik eye surgery is a surgical technique that corrects vision by reshaping the cornea. Lasik is done in an eye surgeon’s office and only takes about fifteen minutes to complete. The laser treatment used on Lasik patients can be performed with little or no discomfort, but risks are involved.

Lasik surgery has been around for over twenty years; the FDA first approved it in 1995. Millions of people have undergone this procedure worldwide, with more than two million procedures done each year in the United States alone.

People who would benefit from Lasik surgery include those whose glasses prescriptions change often, those who suffer from dry eyes caused by contact lenses or eyeglasses, and those who are nearsighted, farsighted or suffer from astigmatism.

There are many reasons why a person might not want to undergo Lasik surgery, so it may be best to contact the best Lasik doctor in Jacksonville for answers. Insurance may not cover the expense of the procedure if you don’t have severely impaired vision and do not need contact lenses for any other reason than cosmetic concerns. There is also a cost associated with having the surgeries done, which can vary by city and state but average at around $2000 per eye.

Finally, there are potential risks and complications associated with Lasik eye surgery, such as glare, halos, starbursts, or nighttime vision issues.

Those who already consider themselves extremely nearsighted or farsighted may find that they cannot achieve 20/20 vision using Lasik procedures. At the same time, the FDA estimates that 85% of those who undergo Lasik obtain fully functional vision after their surgeries. It’s possible that you can achieve the kind of eye correction that you desire. Find the best Lasik doctor in Jacksonville area visit Maida Custom Vision today.

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