How to be Sober without Being a Standout

by | Dec 22, 2015 | Rehabilitation

Staying sober after leaving rehab is not easy, but it does get more manageable over time. That being said, many recovering addicts find that friends and family treat them differently because of what they went through. Instead of being treated normally, people sometimes feel like they are being treated like a child or like they can’t handle themselves. The purpose of an addiction treatment program is to give people the tools they need to lead normal lives after rehab. Instead of feeling as if you can’t be trusted to live life as a sober person, try some things to help you live as normally as possible.

Have Daily Structure

While in an addiction treatment center, you were subjected to a strict daily schedule, which became a normal task for you. Keep this structure up by creating your own daily schedule at home. Your schedule can include daily exercise, going to work or school, and making time to clean or do other activities. To make your daily structure easier to follow, write all of your daily activities and commitments on a calendar and hang it somewhere you will see it every day. You should also include meetings or therapy sessions if your treatment center has suggested it.

Find People to Support You

Having a strong support system is great for anyone who is recovering from an addiction. These people can be friends, family, or a sponsor, and should be able to help you handle anything from bad days to relapses. Make time to talk to your support system every day or meet up with some of them every week. Plan activities or outings together, or do things that you did before rehab. If you used to spend time with people who were a part of your addiction, look for people that are more reliable so you don’t give yourself the option to relapse.

Set Goals for the Future

Having long-term goals is a great way to keep your eye on the future and gives you something to be excited about. Plan day by day steps to reach your long-term goal and put it on your calendar. By doing something small every day, you are reaching your goal without overwhelming yourself with too much work. It is important to balance your daily activities so that you feel focused, yet not overpowered with responsibilities. If you want to see yourself getting closer to your ultimate goal, get creative and make a progress chart. The more progress you complete, the more you will be looking forward to completing your goal.

Follow Up After Rehab

Many alcohol rehab clinics or prescription drug rehabs will require people to come back for follow-ups after they have finished their treatment. This is to make sure that everything is going smoothly and there are no problems assimilating back into normal life. Your addiction treatment program may suggest you attend support group sessions or a therapy appointment a few times a week. As you learn how to control your urges and continue to stay sober, the frequency of these visits will start to decrease. If you were assigned a sponsor, you should still stay in contact with him or her, and have a contact number for your therapist or support group in case you need help. Treatment centers do not advise their residents to skip these support groups or therapist meetings, so do not assume that you will be okay without them. Even the smallest bit of help can make all the difference. Remember that living sober is a lifelong task and learning how to deal with urges cannot always be done alone.

Most rehab in Los Angeles have treatment programs to help people with all different types of addiction. If you think you need help controlling your addiction, visit one of the many rehabs in Los Angeles centers for assistance. They can help you get back on track to a normal, sober life.

If you need rehab in Los Angeles, you need to contact The Gooden Center. Get the help that you need today.

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