Most drivers understand that they need to have auto insurance in order to drive, but many may not know how important it is. As a result, they simply buy the least expensive policy from the most convenient source. While this may fulfill legal requirements, it can backfire when they have an accident. That is when customers usually find out that they don’t have needed coverage. They may not get help from their agent. But, by carefully choosing an agent for auto insurance New Haven CT drivers can ensure great service. The best agents offer the following:
EDUCATION: A good agent will take the time to listen to customers and find out what their needs are. They will explain what each type of coverage means, and why customers should have it. Clients will also be educated about possible discounts, and what happens when they have a claim.
PERSONAL SERVICE: To a good agent, customers are not just policy numbers. They are individuals, with specific needs. Agents know customer names and are familiar with each person.
A VARIETY OF CHOICES: Customers may not know that they have choices in the amount and type of insurance they buy. The best agents will tailor a series of options for customers, and explain how each benefits them.
CONVENIENCE: Agents should make it as easy as possible for their customers to get needed information. When choosing an agent for auto insurance customers should be able to get quotes over the phone. Agents should also be willing and able to answer questions during the call.
ADVOCATES: The true test of an insurance agent’s value is how they represent their customers after a claim has been filed. An agent should be an advocate for their customer, and ensure that they get all of the benefits they are entitled to.
It can be tempting to quickly choose the lowest-priced insurance agent, just to get needed coverage, but this can backfire. Before deciding on an agent for auto insurance, customers should make sure agents know and educate customers, offer choices, and represent their best interests when a claim is filed.