How to Find a Good Pediatrician

by | May 8, 2019 | Health

Have you been looking for a good pediatric doctor for your child? The best time to start looking for a pediatrician is when you’re still pregnant. Try to find one between 28 and 34 weeks into your pregnancy. Don’t wait until the baby is born. You’ll have enough to worry about once you’ve given birth. Having the same doctor during the first six months of the baby’s life is important. The doctor will be aware of your baby’s immunization schedule and they’ll make sure they have important tests done before the baby turns two.

A good way to start your search is to simply ask around. Word of mouth is a great way to find a good pediatrician. When looking for a new electronics product, a lot of times we do research and read reviews. When looking for a new pediatrician for your baby, do the same thing. Try to find existing patients you can interview and find out their experiences.

Another way to find a good pediatric doctor, especially in the Summerville, South Carolina area, is to try calling up your insurance company. They can give you a list of doctors around where you live that accept your insurance. Once you have a list of your top choices, you’ll want to check and make sure that they are members of the American Academy of Pediatrics. If they are, that means that they are up-to-date on the latest child health practices.

When you begin your interviewing process, here are some questions you should think about asking:

  • What hours are they available to see patients?
  • Do they have any additional specialties?
  • Is the environment in the waiting room kid friendly?
  • Does their perspective on vaccinations agree with yours?
  • How do they feel about breast-feeding?
  • How do they feel about circumcision?
  • Do they have any children of their own?

Understanding how you feel about these questions and ensuring that your pediatrician is on the same page is of the utmost importance. Figuring out the answers to these questions from the beginning will make sure there is less confusion in the future.

If you do find a doctor but realize it’s not a good fit, you have every right to find another doctor. If you decide to “break up,” you can call the office and simply ask them to transfer your records. You will need to have already found another pediatrician to tell them where to send your records.

Taking care of your baby is extremely important. If you’re looking for a pediatrician and are in the Summerville, South Carolina area, contact Palmetto Pediatrics at (843) 212-2008 or online at

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