How to Know It’s Time to Hire a Home Health Agency in Philadelphia, PA

by | Aug 12, 2022 | Health and Fitness

As people age, living independently becomes more critical. Time continues to move forward, and the body can grow weak. If your loved one is recuperating from an illness, dealing with one or more chronic conditions, or growing more fragile, it may be time to enlist the help of a home health agency in Philadelphia, PA. Here are some signs that your loved one needs more help.

Difficulty Completing Daily Tasks

The elderly often have trouble completing daily tasks like paying bills. If you notice they find big tasks like paying bills and smaller jobs, such as housekeeping and hygiene, challenging, a home health agency in Philadelphia, PA, for assistance.

A Change in Mobility

When loved ones age, they often become frail. They may have difficulty standing for longer times or become unable to walk to the bathroom. The elderly have a higher risk of falling and are susceptible to serious injury. An aide from a home health care agency in Philadelphia, PA, can provide assistance that keeps them safe by helping them with mobility.

Medication Mismanagement

You may visit your loved ones and find that they don’t take their medication as prescribed. They may miss doses or take them too close together, which is detrimental to their health. Professionals can help administer medications and ensure they take them correctly.

Is it time to talk to a home health agency in Philadelphia, PA, about helping care for your loved one? Visit Angels on Call Home Care for more information.

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