There’s no better feeling than flashing a bright, white smile after professional Teeth Whitening in Puyallup WA. Once the treatment is over, there are a few things a patient can do to maintain their results. Following these tips will keep a person’s smile glowing white for many months, if not years.
Switch to an Electric Toothbrush
Any type of toothbrush is designed to remove simple surface stains and bacteria from a person’s mouth. However, an electric toothbrush provides even better results. Most people who switch to an electric or sonic toothbrush notice their teeth are less prone to staining.
Electric toothbrushes move across the teeth around 20,000 times per minute. When compared to the 300-500 movements of a manual toothbrush, it’s easy to see why an electric model is better for keeping a person’s teeth white.
Use At-Home Whitening Products
There are many drugstore products that are designed to whiten teeth. After a professional Teeth Whitening in Puyallup WA, investing in these products, such as a whitening toothpaste or mouthwash, will help prolong a person’s results. These products are generally affordable and safe enough for everyday use.
Many home whitening products contain hydrogen peroxide as an active ingredient. It’s proven to help remove both surface and deeply set stains. This chemical is also used in professional whitening solutions, except at a much higher concentration.
Choose Clear Beverages
Many beverages, like coffee, tea and wine, are notorious for leaving surface stains on teeth. If a person wants to prevent these stains, it’s best to avoid these drinks altogether. Choose clear beverages over those which are dark or artificially colored.
It’s understandable, however, if a person doesn’t want to completely give up their favorite drinks. Drinking through a straw reduces contact with tooth enamel, and it may also prevent surface staining from dark beverages. Even limiting these beverages may slow down future discoloration.
After getting a professional whitening, you want the results to last for as long as possible. Switching to an electric toothbrush, using at-home whitening products and avoiding dark beverages are just a few simple ways to prolong the results. Talk to your dentist about other ways to keep your teeth bright and white.