Importance of a Support System When Going Through a Divorce in Laurel, MD

by | Jul 12, 2023 | Divorce Lawyers

Divorce rates across the United States decreased by approximately 12% during the COVID-19 pandemic, but this reduction was not uniform across all states. Maryland was one of the states with the most drastic decline in divorce proceedings during the pandemic; by 2021, the number of dissolution of marriage petitions had fallen by about 43% from the family court docket.

The end of the pandemic has resulted in a rebound in divorce rates in Maryland and across the country. Individuals who had previously hesitated to consult with a Laurel divorce attorney about their options are now looking for advice, and this is when the importance of a support system when going through a divorce is worth mentioning.

While it is true that the petitioner and respondent in a marriage dissolution case ultimately stand before the judge on their own, the importance of a support system when going through a divorce cannot be understated. Divorce is a very difficult and stressful situation to go through; going at it alone is not recommended, particularly when the separation is acrimonious or child custody issues need to be discussed. Having people around who can provide emotional support, advice, and practical help is a much better scenario. Family and friends can provide emotional support by listening to you and offering words of encouragement, but they can also help with practical tasks such as childcare, cooking, and running errands.

For more information about the legal options available to you during a dissolution of marriage, contact the Law Offices of Sandra Guzman-Salvado, a Laurel divorce attorney with years of experience practicing family law.

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