We are not really talking here about pickups and light vans since they are, in reality, nothing more than modifications to a standard passenger style automobile and servicing them is not really any different from servicing a normal passenger car. What we are looking at here are those vehicles specifically made for heavier duty transportation; such as commercial dump or freight trucks (up to a typical 18 wheeler) and passenger buses or coaches. Possibly some private recreational or motor home vehicles might fit into the same category depending upon their size (such as a semi).
It Is A Question Of Scale
Vehicles that require a separate prime mover or tractor unit to pull a long trailer; or vehicles that have more than 4 wheels are, by their very nature, going to be considerably larger than a normal sedan. For most private vehicle maintenance jobs; things like wrenches and screw drivers plus hydraulic hoists and small jacks are commonplace; but, very few of them are large size, heavy duty tools suitable for working on vehicles of a much larger size.
In addition, these heavy duty vehicles are often produced by smaller, even independent, manufacturers which can mean that the sourcing of spare parts is not quite as simple as it is for, say, a Ford or General Motors passenger automobile. This all tends to lead to the obvious conclusion that your local, run of the mill, auto repair shop might not be equipped to handle the bigger stuff.
Is There Anything Special About Bridgeview
Although the size question is universal; this village located near to Chicago’s Midway Airport may see an increased number of trucks needing service. The village calls itself “A Well Balanced Community” since it is zoned into distinct residential, commercial, and industrial areas. Its proximity to both the Airport and downtown Chicago; along with easy access to major highways; has made it something of a crossroads for the inner and
southwest suburbs. As such, there is certainly a lot of freight traffic on the roads within this area. This is traffic that will, from time to time, break down and be in need of the specialized service that only a repair shop with the heavy duty equipment can provide.
The firm of Wilrae Inc. has long specialized in Truck Repair For Bridgeview haulers and others with large motorized vehicles. They have the equipment and staff required to deal with any size you drive to them. View them on plus.google.com