In Washington, The Tractor And Its Operators

by | Jun 15, 2016 | and Implements

Tractors are usually associated with the history of agricultural development. It is the earliest means of mechanization of farming of all types. In Washington, the tractor has particular significance. As technology continues to advance, it allows places like Lynden to remain the center of agricultural development. It is also the tractor and other related mechanical pieces of equipment that allow Washington State to remain states where farming is still an important contributing factor to the local, regional, state and national economy.

Basic Facts

The agricultural sector is one of the largest employers in Washington. Statistics indicate the figure of employees to number over 76,270. This includes:

  • Crop planters and/or workers
  • Farm workers
  • General laborers
  • Greenhouse workers
  • Nursery employees
  • Ranch workers

These individuals work at ranches, farms, greenhouses, nurseries and even at aqua-cultural facilities. However, the most employees work as farm workers, laborers and in nurseries or greenhouses. One of the major products of their work is apples. Washington State produces about 60% of the nation’s apple crop. Other crops include sweet cherries and raspberries. In the case of apples, the majority are picked by hand. This increases the labor intensity and the number of employees an apple farm will require. Many of these will, during their lifetime as farm workers, learn to operate basic farm equipment, including a tractor.

The surrounding area around Lynden is typical of the area in its agricultural production. Dairy farms are prominent. Other farms focus on growing blueberries, raspberries and strawberries.

Farm Equipment Operators

Washington employs more than 4,000 agricultural equipment operators. The owners may operate many pieces of their own machinery, but, on larger farms, or ranches, and where time is of the essence owners and operators hire individuals to work the machinery.

These agricultural equipment operators are constantly kept busy. They must be versatile and understand how to operate a variety of equipment to complete both the basic and more complex tasks that keep a farm running smoothly and, hopefully, in the black. Among them are:

  • Ploughs and irrigators
  • Seeders
  • Fertilizer spreaders
  • Balers
  • Combines
  • Herbicide and/or pesticide sprayers
  • Threshers
  • Trucks
  • Conveyor belts
  • Loading machines
  • Separators
  • Cleaners
  • Dryers

Workers in Lynden and elsewhere in Washington State may also make minor repairs and perform mechanical adjustments to various pieces of equipment including the all-purpose and ever-present farm tractor.

The Tractor in Washington State

Lynden in Washington State is an example of an area where agricultural is still one of the largest employers. Not only does this sector provide apples, strawberries, raspberries and other fruit crops for local, state and national consumption, it provides work for a variety of individuals. For many, farm labor involves hard work and the need to learn how to operate a variety of equipment, including the ubiquitous Farm Tractor.

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