When buying a home for the first time, many don’t realize that a lot that goes into keeping the yard well maintained and the grass healthy. Aside from the back breaking work of weekly mowing, trimming, weeding and edging, there are the additional concerns of fertilization, pest control and even aeration to keep the grass healthy and at its best. For some homeowners, it’s preferable to have a landscape maintenance company take care of all the lawn care, from the weekly maintenance to keep the yard neat and trimmed, right through to the additional tasks that ensure a healthy turf.
Most landscape companies understand the importance of proper fertilization, pest control and Lawn Aeration in Spokane. Proper fertilization allows the lawn to receive the proper nutrients that are necessary for strong growth and development. Fertilization helps to keep the grass healthy and enables it to defend itself against pests, disease and fungi that may try to damage it. Though anyone may purchase fertilizer to apply to their lawn, hiring a lawn specialist ensures that the proper formulation of fertilizer is applied in the correct amount to the lawn. An incorrect amount or strength can cause damage to the lawn by burning it or weakening it, leaving it vulnerable to pests and disease. Voracious pests can kill an entire lawn in one day. When insects are suspected there is no time to wait or play a guessing game. A skilled lawn care specialist can identify the pests and eradicate the problem immediately, minimizing the damage to the lawn.
Lawn Aeration in Spokane plays an important part in a healthy lawn, along with fertilization and seeding in the fall. Aeration is done to break up the surface of the lawn to help let oxygen, nutrients from the fertilizer and water get to the roots more easily. It is believed that by aerating the lawn, the roots become healthier, stronger and grow deeper into the soil helping to keep the grass resistant to pests and disease.
Keeping the lawn healthy is not easy work. By hiring a professional to handle the specifics of lawn care, the homeowner can be assured of healthy, strong and thick grass that will resist pests and disease and without the strenuous work that goes with it.