How Mold Removal Services in Fairfax, VA Create Healthier Homes

by | Dec 27, 2016 | Pest Control

At one time or another almost every Fairfax, Virginia resident has dealt with the annoying mold that grows in showers. However, a surprising number of homeowners have no idea that they have hidden problems with the fungus. Fortunately, professionals like Pest Management Services offer Mold Removal Services in Fairfax VA. Their technicians will find all mold sources and ensure that they are eliminated. Professionals also safely remove mold and prevent its return.

Hidden Mold Can Be Hazardous

Although small amounts of mold in bathrooms is more annoying than dangerous, the types that are hidden often cause problems. All it takes for the fungus to take root is warmth, moisture and a food source. Unfortunately, mold considers almost anything a food source. It can thrive near foundation cracks, leaking pipes and in basements. Left untreated, it may lead to breathing problems, allergies and even mental deficiencies. Although most homeowners cannot effectively remove the problem, experts who offer Mold Removal Services in Fairfax VA can eradicate all traces.

Professionals Locate Every Mold Problem

One reason that expert mold removal services in Fairfax VA are so effective is that technicians know where to look. They comb structures for signs of fungi and locate even the tiniest traces. They also remove the sources of the growths. In some cases that means fixing leaks or structural problems. It can also involve tossing out affected materials like cabinetry, furniture, carpeting and even sheet rock. That is because the fungus often weakens or completely destroys material.

Remediation Helps Prevent Future Mold Growth

Isolating, removing and preventing mold is usually referred to as remediation, which is what technicians do after identifying all problems. Although some surfaces must be replaced in the process, others are treated using a two-part program. First technicians apply a powerful agent that acts as a fungicide, disinfectant, bactericide, deodorizer and cleaner. Then they seal surfaces, to protect them from reinfection.

Fairfax, Virginia homeowners rely on local mold removal experts to keep homes free of the unhealthy fungus. Experts can find and remove even the most hidden growths using a potent two-part system that destroys a range of disease-causing agents. Technicians also treat homes to prevent future issues.

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