More pragmatic than remodeling an entire room by knocking out walls and putting in new studs, and more functional than decorative dividers, movable walls are one of the top choices office managers make when they want to cordon off part of a room or make certain sections of the office private. There are so many designs and styles from which to choose that using movable walls as structures in the office is possible no matter how limited your space or budget may be. Whether the walls are used for executive offices, corporate classrooms, board rooms, break rooms or private spaces to delineate different departments, movable walls with attached sliding doors, though not permanent, are durable and can filter sound so well that they seem to be permanent fixtures.
At the office, the use of movable walls may help employees to achieve some sense of privacy so that they are better able to concentrate, as well as offer the dignity of some personal breathing space which, contrary to common belief in some quarters, encourages morale and productivity. Cubicles are not soundproof, although they do achieve visual limitations and promote a sense of privacy – they are often limiting and drab. A decades-long theme in popular movies and television portrays the cubicle as a trope for conformity and lack of individuality that connotes the absence of personhood. Many contemporary employees cannot fail but to feel the consequent angst, as well as the unfulfilled compulsion to knock down the cubicle walls, let light in, put their feet up on the desk, and kick back with a cup of coffee, as per the character in the popular film “Office Space.”
In some sense, as portrayed in film, and felt as angst by some employees, cubicles promote and encourage rebellion rather than the dignity of privacy and the encouragement to be productive. Creating more space through the use of movable walls is basically motivated by the same concept as the cubicle, yet employees may feel as though their work flow is enhanced by a more open space, especially if the walls are stylized and aesthetically pleasing (i.e., not coated with a drab checkered tan-gray fabric).
Even executives and CEOs can feel as though they are receiving the VIP treatment they deserve when high class designs are implemented with movable walls which can sequester a large soundproof space to serve as a private office.
Local contractors and interior decorators can offer sagacious advice on the best use of your office space, including how movable walls might best be implemented to optimize work flow and efficiency.
Thanks to innovative design by The Sliding Door Co., today’s movable walls come in clear, frosted, laminated, or linen glass with clean, contemporary frames in a variety of finishes and a number of striking designs. We’ve set a new standard, and in the process we are changing the way people design and decorate their homes and offices. When upgrading your home, condo, loft or office, visit to find a showroom near you, or email