Need an Auto Insurance Quote in Wichita, KS? How to Avoid These Traps When Trying to Save Money

by | Oct 19, 2016 | Insurance

No one wants to pay more than necessary for any of their bills. However, there are some expenses that must be paid in order to prevent more extensive financial damage. Auto insurance is one of these expenses. With the right policy, every driver is protected if an accident occurs. It is the law that everyone maintains at least a minimal amount of coverage, but some people minimize their account more than they should and only discover it when it is too late. Here are some points to consider when searching for an auto insurance quote in Wichita KS.

Getting the Minimum

Drivers are only required to have full coverage on their vehicles when there is a lien against them. When the vehicle is paid off, they can switch their insurance to a liability-only policy. Unfortunately, this means that the owner of that policy will not be reimbursed if an accident occurs and their vehicle is a total loss. This is a big mistake if the vehicle still has a resale or trade-in value of thousands of dollars.

Forgetting the Gap

New vehicles or high-interest loans may leave buyers with a vehicle that is worth less than they owe. Covering the gap between the value and the loan balance with insurance is the only way to prevent owing money on a totaled vehicle. An auto insurance quote in Wichita KS will make it easy to see how affordable it is to have this extra protection.

Raising the Deductible

The cost of the policy will drop dramatically as the deductible goes up. Unfortunately, some drivers raise the level too high in an attempt to save money and hope they never have to come up with the amount. Never raise the deductible higher than what is available in a savings account or can be obtained quickly if an accident occurs.

The few dollars people save each year on insufficient auto insurance policies is erased instantly when a single claim is made. It is worth looking for reliable insurance that will offer discounts for safe drivers, bundle policies and save money with other legitimate means. This is why every driver should get a quote by visiting Andywoodwardinsurance.Com. Affordable policies, numerous discount options, and a reliable claims process make it worth the few seconds it takes to receive a quote.

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