When it comes to dental health, addressing all issues big and small is the key to avoiding additional – and costly – complications.
This is particularly true when it comes to crown treatment. Delaying this procedure can lead to a host of risks and complications.
No. 1: Increased Pain and Discomfort
Over time, the problematic tooth may become more sensitive to hot and cold foods, which can cause pain and discomfort. And if it gets bad enough, a painful tooth can also make it harder to eat, talk, and perform daily activities.
No. 2: Tooth Decay
Tooth decay is another risk, as the tooth or teeth in question are more susceptible to bacteria and plaque buildup without the protection of a crown. This can lead to decay and infections that can require more extensive treatment down the line.
No. 3: Tooth Fracture or Breakage
A weakened tooth is more likely to fracture or break. The crown is used to strengthen and protect the tooth. Without it, the tooth is left vulnerable to damage.
No. 4: Need for More Invasive Procedures
Think of what happens when you let car repairs go too long. Over time, those problems become big expensive ones. The same goes for your dental health. Delaying crown treatment can lead to more invasive procedures like root canals or tooth extraction. These procedures are usually more expensive and time-consuming than a simple crown treatment.
No. 5: Increased Costs
This goes hand-in-hand with No. 4: More invasive features mean higher costs for treatment. And you also have to account for the added expenses of continued pain and discomfort.
So, what can you do if you have a problematic tooth that requires crown treatment? The first step is to schedule an appointment with your dentist in Dabolim. The treatment is typically quick and painless.