Reasons to Call a Tree Service Company in Gig Harbor, WA Every Year

by | Jul 18, 2024 | Business

Every Year Trees enhance your property’s appearance and release fresh oxygen into the atmosphere, minimizing air pollution. However, trees require regular maintenance. In this article, we will discuss why you should reach out to your local tree service company in Gig Harbor, WA every year.

Remove Dead Branches and Trees

Trees may stop thriving over the years, starting with dead branches. These dead branches attract unwanted pests. They can also spread disease to more of a particular plant or a nearby plant. If you let the problem get advanced enough, the entire tree may die and require removal. A trained professional should come at least once a year to identify and remove dead branches and plants.

Trim Vegetation

Sometimes plants grow larger or in a different direction than expected. You will need to have these unruly branches trimmed, especially if they are growing toward your house or external wiring. The branches can cause a hazard if they break or if leaves get into your gutters. Your property will also look better with all plants properly groomed. Trim your plants at least once a year before spring to keep your yard manageable for months.

Nourish Existing and New Plants

Some plants need extra attention, whether they need extra water or nutrients. You may also want to grow new plants. You can get this done early in the season to turn your vision into reality before the season ends.

Do you need a tree service company in Gig Harbor, WA? Get more information about Arborsmith Pro Tree Service Inc. at

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