Reasons You May Need a Physical Therapist In Charleston, WV

by | Sep 18, 2019 | Physical Therapist

People who suffer injuries to their neck, back, shoulders, legs, arms, or other parts of the body will require physical therapy sometimes to get their bodies back right. This is especially necessary if the injury was work-related and the employee needs the therapy to be able to return to work again. A Physical Therapist In Charleston WV helps patients who have need of the therapy to improve their mobility and get their body parts working again. Here are some reasons that people may require physical therapy.

Reasons for Requiring Physical Therapy

If a person injures the rotator cuff in the shoulder, it is usually difficult to continue working in that condition, and physical therapy will be required to get the range of motion going again. The same thing applies when a person, such as an athlete tears a ligament in the knee or elbow and will need the range of motion to get the joint working. The physical therapist will do an examination of the patient to see how extensive the damage is to the body part and then develop a plan to work with the patient over a period of time.

More Reasons for Requiring Physical Therapy

Physical therapists are also needed when a person has suffered a serious incident, such as the loss of a limb, and will need the therapy to learn how to function without the limb. Therapists are also needed when there are neurological issues, such as a person suffering a stroke, who may have a long road to recovery. Quite often, the physical therapist is used by recommendation of the patient’s primary care doctor, and will only be released from the therapy when the therapist feels all the necessary steps have been exhausted.

A Physical Therapist Available for Patients

Patients who will require physical therapy will probably get a recommendation from their primary care physician or they may seek out a therapist on their own. Improve Physical Therapy & Hand Center, LLC is a practice that offers physical therapy for patients in need. If a person needs a Physical Therapist In Charleston WV, the therapist is available. More information can be found on the website, You can also follow them on Instagram for more information.

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