Secrets About Stretch Film Wrapping Machines Only a Handful of People Know

by | Nov 11, 2019 | Packaging

There’s a chance that your company is still relying on hand wrapping to secure loads. Of course, this is the traditional method for wrapping pallets. Yet, can you really say that it is the most cost-effective, safest and quickest way to do it? The likely answer is no. This is mainly due to the fact that a stretch wrapping film machine will outperform hand wrapping at every level. See what machine wrapping machine owners know that you don’t.

Machines Are More Reliable

A pallet wrapped by hand is only as good as the employee that did it. We all know that as human beings, employees get tired or careless at some point during the day. This carries over to their performance while wrapping loads. You never really know if an employee is using his or her best effort to add tension to the wrap. Thus, any given load can be lacking in the integrity department. In the end, trusting hand wrapping for these jobs can lead to damaged goods or serious safety issues. Yet, the risk is practically eliminated when a stretch wrapping machine is used.

Keeping Customers Satisfied

Most business owners think of wrapping as the last stage in the process. Yet, it needs to be remembered that the wrapping job has a huge impression on customers. In fact, it is the first thing they are likely to notice about a load. Therefore, you need to make sure that this step is done as professionally as possible. Do you know how the big companies get their loads to appear so clean and uniform? They use stretch film wrapping machine on every single load. You can keep your customers happy, and attract new ones, by using machine wraps consistently.

At the Ease of a Button

If you have never used a stretch film wrapping machine, you probably have some misconceptions. One is that the machine is incredibly hard to operate. This is not true at all. Most modern machines only require pushing a single button. The rest of the process is done automatically. Just think about how you could increase productivity with this type of machine.

Don’t Wait Any Longer

Your company can’t afford to go without a stretch film wrapping machine any longer. In order to be competitive in your given market, you need all the benefits these machines have to offer.

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