Are you looking for ways to improve your vision and struggling to find them? As a person gets older, vision changes. One of the reasons for this is the development of cataracts. Cataracts take a long time to form, but as they do, vision becomes less and, over time, many people will see some symptoms. It is important to pay attention to these symptoms and to take action to get help whenever possible. Seeing a cataract doctor is a good place to start.
What Symptoms Do You Have?
Visiting a cataract doctor as soon as you notice symptoms of cataracts or any change in your vision is important. This will give your doctor the best ability to provide comprehensive treatment to you. What are the most common symptoms of cataracts?
These generally will include blurry vision without any pain or other cause. You may become sensitive to light and glares. Many people struggle with vision at night – worsening over time. You may also have double vision in just one eye – a telltale sign of more advanced cataract development in that eye. Some people also develop a fading of colors, or colors can seem more yellowed than normal. You may also notice your contact lens prescription or eyeglass prescription is no longer working as well as it was. You may need more powerful prescriptions over time.
When you have these types of changes to your vision, schedule an appointment with a cataract doctor. Learn more about what is happening in your eyes. Most people do not realize they have changing vision, especially as the condition just starts to form. Yet, this is when it is best for you to seek out the care you need. Make regular appointments to your eye doctor a habit, visiting at least one time every six months.