Should You Choose Thermal Deburring Services in Grand Rapids?

by | Aug 30, 2018 | Coating

If you make metal parts or components with details, threads, or odd shapes and sizes, you may need perfection, and this means no burrs or flashing. Sometimes you can get rid of flashing and still leave the part intact, but burrs can stay inside holes and threaded areas and are a nightmare to get rid of. Thankfully, thermal deburring services in Grand Rapids have the solutions to most of these problems. Here is how the process works and the benefits it has to offer.

Burr Removal with Short Intense Heat

Special equipment provides the perfect O2 to fuel mixture for the materials to heat. The ignition system makes a spark which ignites the fuel, creating a flash as hot as six thousand degrees Fahrenheit (3316 degrees Celsius) for a fraction of a second.

Small areas like burrs and flashing are smaller than the part, so they get oxidized quicker. In fact, thermal deburring services in Grand Rapids can remove all kinds of burrs and flashing without doing any harm to the rest of the part. Once the process finishes, it leaves an oxide residue on the part. This is easily cleaned with special natural cleaning solutions or plating processes.


No matter where burrs are, thermal deburring services in Grand Rapids can remove them. Some areas are impossible to reach with finishing tools, but fast, intense heat reaches everywhere. Efficiency is important in modern finishing methods and deburring with heat is more efficient than other processes.

Abrasive techniques for burr removal can create problems of their own. Sometimes they may cause small burrs or imperfections, and if you have precision parts, this is not acceptable. Deburring with heat is a highly efficient process which saves energy and can finish many parts per hour while maintaining high-quality standards.

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