Signs Your Home Has Clogged Drains in Tacoma

by | Sep 15, 2022 | Earticles Site

There are multiple issues that can begin to occur with Clogged Drains in Tacoma. Homeowners need to be aware of these signs so they can be sure they know when to call a plumber. Clogged drains will cause multiple problems for a homeowner if they are not repaired right away.

Signs of Clogged Drains

It is important homeowners are aware of the signs that may occur when their home has Clogged Drains in Tacoma. Waiting too long to call a plumber will only lead to increased clogging and eventual full clogs. The following are some of the most common signs there are problems with a drain.

  • One of the first signs homeowners will notice is slow drains. If the drains in the home are slow, they will drain water sluggishly and eventually not at all. Homeowners need to avoid waiting until their drains are completely clogged to seek help from a plumber.
  • Foul smells coming from the drains are common when there are clog issues. When foul smells are occurring, this likely means there are foods, hair, and grease clogged in the trap. When the trap becomes overly full, foul odors will develop.
  • If the drains make a gurgling sound when draining, this is a sign there is an obstruction that needs to be checked right away. The longer an obstruction is left in place, the larger it will grow and the worse the clog will become.
  • Should a homeowner find there are food particles and other debris in the sink after running the dishwasher or washing machine, then it is time to seek a plumber for a repair. This means there is a clog that needs to be taken care of before it obstructs the entire drain.
  • Water backing up into the drain needs to be investigated by a plumber. If water is backing up more than draining, the drain is experiencing issues.

If your drains are experiencing any of the above signs, now is the time to seek repairs. For more information on these repair services, visit They are the plumbing professionals you can fully rely on for all of your needs.

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