Small-Deck Ideas in Chicago Help Maximize Your Space

by | Mar 21, 2023 | Deck Builder

Perhaps your lot is not as big as you’d like, making adding gardens or a deck difficult. Maybe the layout of your yard leaves you with little space for formal gathering settings. Or perhaps you have a lot of flowerbeds but not much room left over for a table and chairs outside.

Despite the cause, if you have big-deck aspirations but small-deck limitations, here are some small-deck ideas in Chicago to help maximize your space.

Keep Things in Proper Scale

Consider size before you start picking through small outdoor deck ideas. It should feel as though your little deck is proportional to your house and the surrounding area. Either the little deck or the scenery will feel too small or large.

Levels and Curves

Homeowners often avoid installing decks in their yards because of challenging circumstances, including an inconvenient slope. Decks may be a terrific solution to overcome those landscaping issues, even in a tiny yard or space.

For instance, a stepped-down small-deck design can offer several levels for gathering, fulfill various purposes, and assist you in getting rid of grass that never grows or covering an eroding slope. Using a curved small-deck design, you might squeeze a few more square feet out of a limited landscape.

Include Storage

The fact that your deck is tiny does not mean it won’t work out with some of the best small-deck ideas in Chicago. There are several uses for your small-deck design. Imagine built-in furniture with lids that can be raised to conceal toys and outdoor cushions. Use concealed storage below your tiny deck’s raised surface for seasonal furnishings.

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