A person who has never worked and becomes disabled may still qualify for Social Security benefits. A Social Security Disability Lawyer can help this person fill out the paperwork and include the required documentation. The administration representatives must be convinced of the applicant’s inability to work full-time. This is crucial since, most of the time, the administration rejects most initial applications for benefits for disabled individuals.
Only U.S. residents who have earned a certain amount of money are eligible for Social Security disability insurance, known as SSDI. However, there is another program called Supplemental Security Income, or SSI, that is based entirely on need and not on the person’s previous income. A lawyer such as Chris Richard can explain this program in more detail. See chrisrichardattorney.com to get started.
Asset and Income Limitations
There are asset limitations for this particular program. An individual can only have $2,000 or less in assets aside from a primary home and one vehicle, which do not count toward that maximum.
This man or woman also can work part-time and earn a certain amount of money, but it must be under a specified limit. The rule is designed not to encourage people to earn less money but to ensure only those who are truly disabled receive SSI benefits. If someone can work full-time, this person should not be receiving those payments.
In some instances, a Social Security Disability Lawyer assists a person who became physically or mentally disabled to before reaching adulthood. Other cases focus on people who became disabled in early adulthood before they earned enough to qualify for SSDI. There also are situations in which someone did not work enough to qualify because he or she was a homemaker and became disabled during those years. Some of these persons may be able to work a limited number of hours but not enough to earn a living.
Some disabilities occur more frequently in the late teen or young adult years. The psychiatric disorder schizophrenia is an example. Most men who develop this serious mental health condition have it by age 25. The average age of onset for women is 25, although many don’t develop it until after age 30.You can connect with them on Facebook for more updates!