Taking a Look at the Wool Upholstery Available at the V Starr

by | Jan 18, 2023 | Wallpaper and Coverings

Show The V Starr Show took place in Manhattan on March 2, 2022, and even though it has been almost a year since that pivotal show, the designers that took part in it are still talking about it. Why? Well, one of the reasons would have to be because of the fabulous and stunning wool upholstery materials showcased there. Indeed, they are probably wondering what they are going to do for an encore in the 2023 show! Here are some of the particulars as to why they did so well at the V Starr show last year:

Excellent Contemporary Dance Pieces

When you think, you absolutely would think of upholstery first. However, the V Starr show illustrates the fact that wool can be used for a lot of garments, including contemporary dance pieces. This is just one of many illustrations regarding the excellent uses of wool in clothes. First of all, wool can be used in high-end suits such as coats and trousers; sweaters such as cardigans, and socks and underwear. There are even occasions where button-down shirts and t-shirts can be made of this woolen fabric.

Extreme Versatility

Besides clothes, there are plenty of other accessories that can be made of wool. Things such as hats, scarves, gloves, and plenty of other cold-weather gear have all found a comfortable home in this wool material. There are even wool fibers inside of quilts!

Are you ready to see all of the unique things that wool can do for your garments? If so, it is time to contact Wolf Gordon on their website at Wolfgordon.com.

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