In the immediate aftermath of a house fire, you as the owner look at the ruins and wonder how you can ever get your house repaired and rebuilt. Even if most or all of the structure is still standing, it is not safe to live in because of the devastation left behind by the firefighting efforts.
You do not have to undertake any of the restorative work yourself or even figure out a plan of action for making your home safe and clean again. By outsourcing the work to a team that specializes in fire damage restoration in Long Island, NY, homeowners can look forward to moving back into a house that has few, if any, traces of the fire left in it.
Water Removal Services
When you contract with a company that offers fire damage restoration in Long Island, NY, you can get the peace of mind that the work will get done in a timely and professional manner. The contractors for the service know exactly where to get started and how to begin cleaning up the mess that the fire department left behind. They will tear out soaked drywall, plywood and upholstery so that all of the water can be completely removed.
They also will use equipment like shop vacuums and sump pumps to get all of the water out of the premises. Once the inside of the house is dry, they can then move on to mold and mildew remediation.
Remediation of Mold and Mildew
The standing water in the house could have invited in mold and mildew spores. The restoration company can use commercial grade bleach and other chemicals to kill the spores. Fungus will not have a chance to grow in your restored home.
You can find out more about fire damage restoration services online. Contact ServiceMasterRestore by Empire Specialists, at website