The Benefits of Upholstery Cleaning in Ferndale, WA

by | Nov 1, 2018 | Home Decor

Most people focus on keeping their carpets clean when taking care of their homes, but they tend to forget about the upholstery in their homes as well. The upholstery can have just as big of an impact on how your home looks and smell as your carpeting does. Therefore, you will also need regular upholstery cleaning in Ferndale to keep your home in the best shape possible.

Spills and Stains

If you allow people to eat and drink on your living room furniture, you are opening up your upholstery to spills and staining. Even if you clean up these spills as quickly as possible after they happen, many of the cleaners that are available for your home aren’t as effective as those a quality upholstery cleaning company can use. With their experience, they will be able to safely and effectively remove the debris left behind by these spills so your furniture looks like new again.


Smokers in the home can make your entire home smell like smoke. No matter how many times you seem to clean the upholstery, the smell always seems to be there. When you hire professional upholstery cleaning in Ferndale, you will be able to effectively remove the smell of smoke. This can be particularly useful if you are buying or selling the furniture to a non-smoker.


Most people simply allow their upholstered furniture to age naturally. They may vacuum the piece on occasion or spot clean when a spill occurs, but other than that, they don’t perform much maintenance on it. This can cause it to age and wear out more quickly, costing more money in the long run because it will need to be replaced more often. Instead, you can hire someone to clean your upholstery on a regular basis to help prolong its life so you don’t need to replace it as often.

You use your furniture on a regular basis. Therefore, you need to do whatever it takes to care for it to prolong its life and keep it looking like new for as long as possible. The right company for upholstery cleaning in Ferndale will be able to clean up any spills and stains, as well as remove smells, particularly smoke or pet smells, from the furniture. When you properly take care of your furniture with this level of maintenance, you won’t need to replace your furniture as often, helping you save money.

To know more about Upholstery Cleaning in Ferndale WA visit Northwest Professional Services. You can also connect them on Facebook.

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