The Best Packaging for Your Medications

by | Dec 29, 2016 | Packaging

In today’s market, pharmaceutical companies have many choices in packaging for their medications. New advancements allow for customizing packaging to suit the specifics of dosing, inventory control and storage depending upon several different factors. Before choosing your packaging, spend some time considering the options available.

Blister packs and blister boxes have become extremely popular for packaging. Blister packs and blister boxes allow for single dose packaging, which is especially convenient for hospitals and health care facilities. These packs can be labeled with serial numbers and bar codes to make patient billing easier and to facilitate inventory control. In addition, this packaging helps ensure that medication is unaffected by humidity and temperature fluctuations during storage.

Blister boxes and packs have consumer appeal, as well. Consumers like the convenience of being able to transport a single dose easily. In addition, this kind of packaging makes it easier to note the number of pills that make up a single dosage.

For some applications, however, plastic bottles still make the most sense for packaging. Bottles are especially functional for custom prescriptions being filled by the pharmacist, and where standard dosages do not apply.

Today’s medication packaging companies offer the pharmaceutical industry a wide range of options for customizing packaging, as well. Single dose packages can be labeled with logos and packaged specifically to meet the marketing needs of the company as well as practical storage needs for the medication.

If you have a new medication coming to the marketplace, take the time to investigate the many options available in packaging for your product. With so many options available, your company can choose the option that makes the most sense for how the medication will be dispensed, as well as an option that allows you to incorporate controls and marketing strategy right in the packaging.

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